Boundaries to be Secured


Notice 2016 No 7


Dear Member / Resident,

Residents have through various mediums indicated their concern in respect of the incidents of theft which have occurred in the village of late. The Association’s Management Committee by way of its Notice No 6 reported on the first two of these. It was pointed out at the time that the circumstances surrounding the incidents made it impossible to determine whether they were internally orchestrated or whether the perpetrators gained access to the village from outside its borders.

The Committee has always maintained that when information of whatever nature is made available to its Members/residents it needs to be true and accurate detail and not speculation based upon unverified facts. With this in mind it can now be categorically stated that the Summerwood village is being accessed via the Country Places Estate. In the early hours of 17 March 2016, the security official, whilst executing one of his normal patrols, came upon three suspects in the roadway of Roseberry Close. Having realised that they had been seen, they ran back in the direction from whence they had come with the security official in pursuit. They scaled the entrance gate of 16 Roseberry Close and from within the property disappeared over the Summerwood/Country Place boundary wall. During that night/early morning they had gained unforced entry to 16 Roseberry Close and 35 Greenwood Way, respectively stealing a lap-top computer and 2 lap-top computers together with a purse containing personal items.

Resulting from the analysis of the events which followed during that morning, arrangements were made with the security service provider to immediately post two additional security officials in the village. They operate at night from strategic positions which provide vantage of Roseberry Close/Thatchwood Crescent and Greenwood Way. These were the access routes which the perpetrators would utilise after entering the village from Country Places. This additional service will continue until such time as the Summerwood/Country Places boundary wall had been secured.

On Saturday, 19 March 2016, it was learnt that the SAPS had arrested a suspect who was in possession of personal items removed from 35 Greenwood Way. Sergeant Mazula, the investigating detective was telephoned and the Association’s gratitude for the sterling work performed was conveyed to him.

During the early morning hours of 24 March 2016, the additional security official posted to keep an eye on Greenwood Way, saw two perpetrators scaling the boundary wall of 74 Summerwood Way. In his attempt to apprehend them, they ran off in different directions, arousing residents in the village in the process. The SAPS were also immediately summoned. The village was soundly swept by our own security and six police vehicles, but no further trace of the perpetrators could be found. The last SAPS vehicle left the village at 04:51. No report of an entry into a residence was received.

The Committee had in the meantime, on 22 March 2016, held talks with three suppliers of security equipment who had submitted quotations for the securing of the Summerwood/ Country Places boundary. Recommendations in respect of the use of surveillance cameras and that of outdoor infra-red intrusion detection beams were considered. The Trustees were assured of the fact that in terms of the Summerwood requirements, the use of beams would provide the ideal solution. The successful tenderer was appointed and will commence in the week of 29 March 2016, with the installation of the motion-detection beams which would cover the entire afore-mentioned boundary. On the same day the boundary wall area was cleared of all vegetation which would interfere with the operation of the equipment once installed.

The Management Committee and Village Manager now look forward to having all the perimeter boundaries of the village secured within the next three weeks.

The fact that the perpetrators gained entry into the Summerwood village via Country Places is very frustrating when one considers the obstacles which the Association encountered with the proposed installation of an electric security fence on the boundary wall between the neighbouring estates during the 2014/15 financial year. As a result the plan was eventually abandoned and the more expensive introduction of a suitable alternative on the Summerwood side of the common boundary was approved for the current financial year.

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