
Notice 2017 No 35


Dear Member/s,

  1. The Members at the AGM 2017 received two Management Committee reports dealing with required amendments to the Association’s Constitution.
    1.1 Report No. 3 (Agenda item 6.3) dealt with the amendment of Clause 6.2 of the Constitution. This amendment would entail that the written request for the calling of a Special General Meeting would in future require the support of 12 (twelve) Members and no longer only 3 (three).
    1.2 The submission of documentation to and requesting the City of Cape Town’s approval for the amendment as per paragraph 1.1 above, resulted in the necessity for a number of amendments of the Constitution having to be brought about in terms of the City of the Cape Town’s Municipal Planning By-Law 2015. The details hereof were contained in Report No. 7 (Agenda item 11).
  2. It is a stipulation of the Association’s Constitution that amendments to it may be effected at a general or special meeting of the Members, provided that at least 75% of all Members vote in favour thereof, whether in person or by proxy. Unfortunately the attendance at the AGM did not total 237 Members.
  3. Impossible time constraints existed in terms of submitting the required amendments, mentioned in paragraph 1.2 above, to the City. As a result the Management Committee acquired both the City of Cape Town’s as well as the Members’ permission to undertake the changes to the Constitution prior to obtaining the 75% vote of the Members in favour of effecting the amendment thereof. The Committee’s recommendation in this regard was unanimously adopted by the Members at the AGM held on 1 November 2017.
  4. The Village Manager was officially notified on 8 November 2017 that the Association’s Constitution now complies fully with the City’s requirements in terms of the conditions of approval and the City of Cape Town’s Municipal Planning By-Law, 2015. In terms of Section 98(b) of the By-Law the Constitution was approved.
  5. It is a further requirement that all Members be provided with a copy of the approved Constitution. The document is also attached to the e-mail communication.
  6. In order to acquire the required 75% vote in favour of amending the Constitution, you are called upon to kindly complete the footnote hereunder and return it to the Summerwood village office.

Chairman: Management Committee
9 November 2017
Ref.: SW 1/3; SW 8/2/1

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