
Notice 2016 No 12


Dear Member/Resident,

  1. It was brought to the attention of the Village Manager by the resident of 5 Summerwood Way that on their arrival at home on Sunday evening (24th), they found their cat covered in blood. The veterinary surgeon who treated the cat informed them the following day that the animal had been shot with an airgun. It was necessary for the cat to undergo an operation in order to save its life. The pellet from the airgun was removed from the spleen of the cat and is being retained as evidence should the Police report result in legal action and a court case. In addition to the high medical costs to which the couple have been subjected to save the life of their pet, there is also the extreme sorrow with which they have had to deal in seeing the cat in the state that they found it.
  2. It is incomprehensible to have to give thought to the fact that a Summerwood resident would fire an airgun at someone’s pet cat for whatever reason.
  3. In this regard I need to remind residents that in terms of Clause 120 (7) of the Firearms Control Act (No. 60 of 2000), it is an offence to discharge a firearm, an antique firearm or an airgun in a built up area or any public place, without good reason to do so. The Association’s preamble to the Conduct Rules spells out in paragraph 18.8 that no person may inflict physical cruelty on a pet or subject it to violence. Furthermore Rule SW-K1 stipulates that owners and tenants are to ensure that their behaviour and that of their visitors and employees is conducted with due decorum and consideration for the rights, privacy and personal feelings of other residents at all times. To this end, they will not cause or permit any disorderly conduct, perform any action, or create any noise in the village which may reasonably be perceived as constituting a nuisance or inconvenience to any other resident in the village.
  4. An urgent appeal is being made upon residents who become aware of any firearm or airgun being discharged in the village to report this to the Village Manager immediately in order for the necessary action to be taken which will put a stop to the illegal practice.

Chairman : Management Committee                                       26 July 2016

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