
Notice 2018 No 10


Dear Member/Resident,

1. The Village Manager annually undertakes an inspection of Summerwood properties in order to establish the state of their maintenance. The Association’s Conduct Rule SW-F1 requires that Members ensure that the paint work on dwellings and boundary walls is kept in a good and clean condition and is repainted when necessary. Should the inspection reveal that a property clearly is in need of attention of whatever nature, the Member will receive a request to examine the state of their building in lieu of undertaking the required improvements.

2. The inspection process is time consuming due to the fact that individual Member’s communications will differ in terms of the varying work which needs attention.

3. This notice serves as an appeal upon Members to undertake a critical examination of the appearance of their properties in order to establish whether it is considered to meet the general Summerwood standards. The included photographs aim to indicate what one needs to consider when one scrutinizes the appearance of the property.

4. The Management Committee will greatly appreciate the input of Members in addressing the shortcomings which their properties may reveal when examined. The Village Manager will, however, continue to communicate with owners on an individual basis in respect of urgent maintenance which is identified in his inspection process.

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