
Notice 2016 No 18.


First and foremost a huge ‘THANK YOU’ to two very special sponsors viz.:

  • Sari & Marlene Real Estate for sponsoring our fliers and posters. You do so much for our village and we are all so very grateful for your sustained generosity.
  • Jaryd Snyman from SBS-Waterproofing who supply aluminium guttering. Thank you so very much for your sponsorship of the jumping castle. Your generosity has enabled us to donate the extra amount of R600 direct to FAW.Secondly a huge thank you to YOU our residents, everyone who so generously donated so many amazingly sellable items.


We had all prayed for the rain to hold off on Saturday (but the Almighty decided we needed the rain so what dare we say!) and it actually dawned bright with some sunshine but… it was short-lived and by 8am the soft drizzle began. The sky, which had looked so promising, clouded over and we intrepid stallholders, carried our various paraphernalia to the park in growing despondency and by 9am we were all pretty drenched. Some of us were lucky enough to be able to retreat to our homes to dry off and change into dry things. The soft soaking rain persisted until 11 am when it eased off.

Those of us who had not packed up and gone home, most actually, began to perk up and sell our various wares.

  • The Methodist Church sold out of pancakes when the batter ran out.
  • The ‘Boerewors Rolls’ sellers panicked a bit initially imagining they would be left with too many sausages and rolls but actually sold practically all they had brought.
  • The White Elephant stall couldn’t unpack properly due to the sheer volume of donations but buyers were not to be put off they happily scratched through the boxes and sales totalling over R1000 was realised.
  • The Jumping Castle was enjoyed by the children regardless of the wet surface which dried later. They took great delight in throwing the balls around which activity was strongly deplored by the older folks (like me) but rallied around eagerly filling the bags at packing up time, around 1:30.

Now on an awesomely happy note, by virtue of the donations from our 2 special sponsors and the unprecedented sales from the White Elephant donations, the initial amount we are able to donate to the Fisantekraal Animal Welfare (FAW) from our Village Market sales is made up as follows:

Sales prior to Market         1430

Sales on day of Market      1077

20 stands @ R50                1000


At the time of writing this, another R325 has come in and Marius is holding the monies back until month end as there might be more yet.

It is the intention to hold another garage sale from my garage as there is still much more to sell. There will also be a Tea Garden on the day so please come and support this last ditch sales day.I will put up some posters around my property on the specific Saturday.

And last but not least a huge vote of thanks to the amazing manager of our Village who tirelessly complies with all my many requests which have included the taking and fetching and erecting of our banners, the hammering in of some 40 site pegs and also placing the electricity generator on the site and its retrieval, in readiness for the Jumping Castle. Thank you Marius. And thank you to all who helped with the organisation.



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